Quotations from the Certificate of Incorporation State of New York, May 24, 1921 and amended as of January 12,2012 ——————————————————————————————————————————-NAME. The name of the proposed corporation is THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF DENTISTRY, INC.
PURPOSES. The purposes to which the corporation is to be formed are to uphold the dignity and honor of the dental profession; to exalt its standards; to extend its sphere of usefulness and to promote the advancement of dental science; to elevate the standards of dental education; and to exert an influence toward placing the activities of its members and of the dental profession upon the highest ethical and non-commercial plane.
SPHERE OF ACTIVITY. The territory in which the operations of the corporation are to be principally conducted is the County and State of New York.
DIRECTORS. The number of directors shall not be less that nine or more than fifteen.
ANNUAL MEETING. The time for holding the annual meeting of the corporation shall be the second Thursday of March in each year unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors.
(Including Provisions in the Charter of Incorporation)
The name of this organization shall be The New York Academy of Dentistry, Inc.
The Object of the Academy shall be to uphold the dignity and honor of the dental profession, exalt its professional and ethical standards, extend its sphere of usefulness and promote the advancement of dental science. It shall further be the object of the Academy to elevate the standards of dental education, to promote and support dental research, to encourage membership activity in community service, to promote camaraderie within the fellowship, and to exert its influence toward placing the activities of the profession and its members upon the highest ethical plane.
SECTION 1. The Fellowship of the Academy shall be in eight classes: Associate, Active, Non-Resident, Retired, Active Life, Retired Life, Allied and Honorary. Active, Associate and Non-Resident Fellows who fail to maintain membership in the American Dental Association or its equivalent shall automatically forfeit Fellowship in the Academy.
SECTION 2. Associate Fellows shall be ethical members of the dental profession who, before approval by the Fellowship committee, shall have been in practice, teaching or research for at least five (5) years and have shown evidence of active participation in the progress of dentistry and promise of early qualification for Active Fellowship.
SECTION 3. Active Fellows shall be ethical members of the dental profession, shall have fulfilled all the requirements of Associate Fellowship and shall have shown acceptable activity in writing, investigation, teaching, organizing or public health.
SECTION 4. Non-Resident Fellows shall be ethical members of the dental or allied professions residing or practicing beyond a radius of fifty (50) miles from New York City, or they shall be members of our armed services on active duty.
SECTION 5. Retired Fellows shall be Active Fellows who have been in good standing as Active and/or Associate Fellows for fifteen (15) or more consecutive years and who derive no income from any dentally related activity.
SECTION 6. Active Life Fellows shall have been Active Fellows for fifteen (15) or more years, have attained age Seventy (70) and derive income from a dentally related activity.
SECTION 7. Retired Life Fellows shall have been Active Fellows for fifteen (15) or more years, have attained Age seventy (70) and derive no income from a dentally related activity.
SECTION 8. Allied Fellows shall be ethical members of the professions allied to dentistry.
SECTION 9. Honorary Fellows shall be individuals who have rendered distinguished contributions to health service, science or mankind.
Admission of Fellows
SECTION 1. Nomination to any class of fellowship, except Life and Retired, shall be presented in writing to the Fellowship committee chairperson, accompanied by letters of support from a proposer and a seconder. Such Fellows may propose only one member each fiscal year and every nomination shall be accompanied by evidence of the qualifications of the nominee, including a letter from both the proposer and seconder giving full particulars concerning the candidate. No nominee who is not a member in good standing of the American Dental Association, or its equivalent, shall be eligible for membership in any class, except Allied, Retired or Honorary Fellowship.
All new members, except Allied, Honorary shall be elected to Associate Fellowship.
Election to any class of fellowship may take place at any regular meeting, and not more than twenty-five (25) nominees, including elevations from Associate Fellowship or transfers from other classes of fellowship, may be elected during any fiscal year to Active Fellowship.
SECTION 2. Only favorable action on a nominee by the Fellowship committee shall be reported.
SECTION 3. Nominations for Fellowship not favorably reported by the Fellowship committee shall not be presented again during the same fiscal year.
SECTION 4. The deliberations and proceedings of the Fellowship committee shall be regarded as strictly confidential and under no circumstances are to be divulged either by the Committee or any member thereof.
SECTION 5. No invitation to become a Fellow of the Academy shall be tendered by any Fellow prior to a favorable report of the Fellowship committee.
SECTION 6. Following a favorable report by the Fellowship committee, the names and addresses of those nominated for Fellowship shall be distributed with notices of the next two (2) meetings. The approved nominee may then be elected at the following meeting by a two-thirds favorable vote of present and voting fellows.
SECTION 7. Active Fellows who have been in good standing for fifteen (15) or more years, of which no more than ten (10) have been in Associate status, may apply to the Board of Directors for transfer to Retired Fellowship. A majority vote of the Board shall authorize this transfer. The ten (10) year limitation of Associate status may be waived in certain instances at the discretion of the Board.
SECTION 8. Nominees for Honorary Fellowship shall be recommended by the Fellowship Committee and endorsed by the Board of Directors before the first printing of their names.
SECTION 9. Newly elected Active and Associate Fellows are requested to attend the Fellowship meeting after their election for formal notification of their election. They shall qualify as Fellows only after attendance at a regular meeting and presentation by the presiding officer.
SECTION 10. Acceptance of Fellowship in the Academy obligates acceptance of all provisions of its By-laws.
SECTION 11. After written request by a Fellow, and approval by the Board of Directors, Life Fellowship may be granted by the Board of Directors.
Elevation from Associate to Active Fellowship
SECTION 1. The elevation of Associate Fellows to Active Fellows may occur at any regular meeting, provided that the Fellowship committee has published, in the notice of the meeting, concise statements of the qualifications or achievements which have led it to the recommendation for elevation.
SECTION 2. For an Associate Fellow to qualify for elevation to Active Fellowship, qualifying activity must have been in evidence for three (3) or more years in one or more of the following categories: journalism, organization in an important serving capacity, clinical phase of dentistry, hospital service, teaching service, civic work, public health or research. A treatise acceptable to the Fellowship committee shall be the equivalent of one of the three years. Attendance at a minimum of two (2) Academy meetings each fiscal year is required to maintain Associate Fellowship status.
SECTION 3. After recommendation by the Fellowship committee, not more than twenty (20) Associate Fellows may be elevated to Active Fellowship during any fiscal year. A three-fourths favorable vote of present and voting Fellows shall be necessary for elevation.
Termination of Fellowship
SECTION 1. Fellowship in the Academy may be terminated at any time by a Fellow in good standing upon formal notice to the Secretary. Delivery of such notice shall automatically effect withdrawal from the Academy.
SECTION 2. The rights and privileges of Fellowship in the Academy may be terminated by formal notice to a Fellow from the Secretary of the Academy. Such a decision must be approved by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors. Delivery of such notice to a Fellow shall automatically terminate Fellowship in the Academy.
SECTION 3. An Associate Fellow, elected after April 1, 1961, shall be dropped automatically after ten (10) years if activities during that time have not qualified the Fellow for elevation to Active Fellowship. The chairperson of the Fellowship committee must remind the Associate Fellow of this provision after five (5) years. Upon recommendation of the Associate Fellowship committee, those who have not attended two (2) meetings each fiscal year may be dropped from Associate Fellowship by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Fees, Dues and Assessments
SECTION 1. The initiation fee, dues and other assessments shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Proposed changes shall be mailed to the Fellowship a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to a regular meeting and approval shall require a three-fourths favorable vote of the Fellows present and voting at the meeting.
SECTION 2. Beginning with the NYAD fiscal year 2006-2007 and not retroactive, Retired Fellows may pay twenty-five percent (25%) of normal dues, Active Life Fellows shall pay fifty percent (50%) of normal dues, and Retired Life Fellows shall pay dues voluntarily.
SECTION 3. Honorary Fellows shall not incur initiation fee or annual dues.
SECTION 4. Failure to pay the initiation fee within thirty (30) days after receipt of statement from the Treasurer shall nullify election.
SECTION 5. Failure to pay the annual dues within sixty (60) days of the membership mailing shall automatically result in the suspension of a Fellow. The notice of such suspension shall be mailed, certified mail-return receipt, to the Fellow by the Secretary.
SECTION 6. Any candidates elected after March 1 shall not be subject to dues until the next fiscal year.
SECTION 7. Any suspended Fellow whose dues remain unpaid for six (6) months after the mailing of the notice of suspension by the Secretary, shall be automatically dropped from the Academy.
SECTION 8. A Fellow dropped from the Academy for non-payment of dues may be reinstated by a three-fourths favorable vote of the Board of Directors upon payment of current dues, accompanied by a written application for reinstatement.
SECTION 9. The Board of Directors shall have the power to remit the dues and/or initiation fee of any Fellow. The Fellow shall retain all the rights and privileges of his/her class of Academy Fellowship.
SECTION 10. Assessments may be levied by recommendation of the Board of Directors stated in the notice of the regular meeting if approved by three-fourths of the present and voting Fellows at that meeting.
SECTION ll. A Fellow is in good standing who is not under sentence of suspension or expulsion and whose dues for the current year have been paid.
Duties and Privileges
SECTION 1. Active Fellows, Retired Fellows, Active Life Fellows and Retired Life Fellowsshall have all the Privileges of the Academy.
SECTION 2. Active and Life Fellows shall receive a certificate of Fellowship.
SECTION 3. Associate, Allied, Honorary and Non-Resident Fellows shall have all the privileges of the Academy except the right to vote, hold office, nominate Fellows to the Academy or make recommendations to the Fellowship Committee for the elevation of Associate Fellows to Active Fellowship,.
Elected Officials
SECTION 1. The officers of the Academy and Chairpersons of the Ethics and Fellowship Committees shall be the elected officials of the Academy.
SECTION 2. Officers of the Academy shall be a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor.
SECTION 3. These officers shall be elected annually and shall remain in office until their successors qualify. The President shall be ineligible for re-election and the President-Elect automatically becomes President for the ensuing year.
SECTION 4. The elected officers, the Immediate Past President, the three (3) members of the Executive Committee, the appointed member of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Chairpersons of the Fellowship and Ethics Committees shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Election of Officials
SECTION 1. The Nominating Committee shall present, at the Fellowship meeting prior to the Annual meeting, its selected slate for elected officials.
SECTION 2. Independent nominations for any of the offices may be made at the same meeting upon the affirmative vote of at least eight (8) Fellows.
SECTION 3. The names of all nominees shall appear on an official ballot, which shall be mailed to all Active Fellows by the Secretary at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual meeting. Reserve ballots shall be retained by the Treasurer for distribution at the election.
SECTION 4. Installation of all elected officials shall take place at the first Fellowship meeting following their election.
Duties of Officers and Directors
SECTION 1. PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at meetings of the Academy; to appoint committees and fill vacancies not otherwise provided for; and perform such other duties as are specified in these By-laws.
SECTION 2. PRESIDENT-ELECT. It shall be the duty of the President-Elect to assist the President as requested, to prepare the program and agenda for the next Academy year and to succeed automatically to the office of President at the next Annual meeting.
SECTION 3. VICE-PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties and, in the case of absence or disability of the President, or at the President’s request, to officiate in the President’s place. The Vice-President shall succeed to the Presidency for the unexpired term in case the event a vacancy in that office occurs. In such instance, the Vice-President will be considered acting President but will be eligible for nomination to elective office with the right of accession to the office of President. It shall further be the duty of the Vice President to review the protocols of all Officers and Committee Chairs and to inform all Committee Chairs of their duties.
SECTION 4. SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a complete record of the activities of the Board of Directors in books provided for that purpose; to notify officers, committees and others of their election or appointment; and sign all official papers. It shall further be the duty of the Secretary to keep a list of the Fellows of the Academy and their addresses; to notify the Treasurer of additions to or changes in this list; to notify new members of their election; to notify all Fellows of the time and place of meetings, subjects of addresses or demonstrations; the names of all candidates for election and any other necessary information; and to provide official ballots for elections. The Secretary shall notify all Fellows suspended or dropped for non-payment of dues and in the event of termination of Fellowship under the provisions of Article VII, Section 2, the Secretary shall notify the former Fellow of the action of the Academy. Duties shall also include conducting the correspondence of the Academy with retention of full copies thereof and providing a stenographer reporter for all regular meetings, scientific meetings and other such meetings as shall be deemed desirable by the Executive Committee.
SECTION 5. TREASURER. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep records for the Academy in such form as to constitute current account with all members subject to fees, dues and other assessments; to receive and take charge of monies in all Funds of the Academy; to make payments only when authorized by the Board of Directors or an order of the President or Vice-President; to keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures and the vouchers thereof; to notify all Fellows of their indebtedness for dues, fees and other assessments and collect and receipt for same; and to make a written report of official Treasurer’s affairs at the Annual meeting, or on order of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall notify the Board of Directors of the automatic suspension or expulsion of any Fellow for non-payment of dues under the provisions of Article VIII, Section 5.
SECTION 6. EDITOR. It shall be the duty of the Editor, using discretion and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, to prepare for publication, in the Annals of Dentistry, such essays and transactions of the Academy and its affiliated societies as are deemed suitable. The Editor shall be assisted in these duties by Assistant Editors appointed by the Board of Directors and/or the Annals of Dentistry committee.
SECTION 7. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Academy and shall have charge of all matters not otherwise provided for. It shall conduct all the business of the Academy, referring to the Fellowship only such affairs as it may deem of sufficient importance to require the attention of the entire body.
SECTION 1. PRESIDENT. In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall serve as President for the unexpired term (see ARTICLE XII, Duties of Officers and Directors, SECTION 3., VICE PRESIDENT).
SECTION 2. PRESIDENT ELECT. In the event the office of President Elect becomes vacant, the Vice President shall serve as President Elect for the unexpired term, in addition to serving a full term in that office.
SECTION 3. VICE PRESIDENT. In the event the office of Vice President becomes vacant, the Secretary shall assume the functions of the Vice President for the unexpired portion of the term, in addition to the Secretary’s other duties.
SECTION 4. SECRETARY. In the event the office of Secretary becomes vacant, the Treasurer shall assume the functions of the Secretary for the unexpired portion of the term, in addition to the Treasurer’s other duties.
SECTION 5. TREASURER. In the event the office of Treasurer becomes vacant, the Secretary shall assume the functions of the Treasurer for the unexpired portion of the term, in addition to the Secretary’s other duties.
SECTION 6. EDITOR. In the event the office of Editor becomes vacant, the President shall be empowered to fill the vacancy, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 7. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT. In the event the office of Immediate Past President becomes vacant, no successor shall be appointed, but the President shall assume the duties of the vacated office.
SECTION 8. ELECTED COMMITTEES. In the event a position on one of the elected committees becomes vacant, the President shall be empowered to fill the vacancy, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 9. STANDING COMMITTEES. In the event a position on one of the Standing Committees becomes vacant, the President shall be empowered to fill the vacancy, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Board Meetings
SECTION 1. Regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the same day and preceding the regular Fellowship meeting of the Academy. Special meetings may be held on seven (7) days written notice.
SECTION 2. No business shall be transacted by the Board unless a quorum, a majority of the entire Board, shall be present.
SECTION 3. It shall require a majority vote of the members of the Board present to decide any and all matters brought before it for consideration.
SECTION 1. The regular Fellowship meeting shall be held on a given day each month, October through April, at the discretion of the President.
SECTION 2. There shall be an Annual Business meeting as ordered by the Board of Directors. This meeting shall be for the purpose of receiving reports of officers and committees and transacting any other business of the Academy.
SECTION 3. Election of elected officials shall take place during a Fellowship meeting. Newly elected officials will not take office until the time of their installation.
SECTION 4. At the request of the Board of Directors, or twenty (20) Active Fellows, a special meeting shall be called by the President, providing the business for which the special meeting is petitioned is in accord with these By-laws.
SECTION 5. Twenty-five (25) voting Fellows in good standing shall constitute a quorum at a Fellowship meeting.
SECTION 6. A closed ballot may be ordered by the presiding officer, or by the request of one-third of the voting members present. The Secretary shall provide an official ballot for such type of voting.
Unless otherwise [provided for in these By-laws, a majority vote cast by the eligible Fellows present and voting at a regular or special meeting shall decide any question or motion.
Special Committees
SECTION 1. The President shall, within thirty (30) days after election, appoint the Executive, Necrology and Program committees.
SECTION 2. Executive. This committee is to consist of three (3) members. It shall be the duty of this committee to provide a suitable place and program for the regular Fellowship meetings and act as a personal advisory and assisting body to the President.
SECTION 3. Necrology. This committee is to consist of three (3) members. It shall be the function of this committee to draw up and report to the Fellowship appropriate resolutions for deceased members of the Academy.
SECTION 4. Program. This committee shall consist of six (6) members. It shall be the function of this committee to formulate the program for the ensuing year. The committee is to advise and assist the President-Elect in all requested matters. To comply with CERP regulations, the Secretary shall serve as anmex-officio, non-voting member of this committee. The committee shall attend to the good and welfare of the invited speakers.
SECTION 5. Nominating. The Board of Directors, at its Organizational meeting, shall appoint the Nominating committee and its chairperson for a term of one year. It shall be the function of this committee to nominate candidates for the elective offices of the Academy for the ensuing year.
This committee will consist of five (5) Fellows eligible to vote, one of whom is the immediate past chairperson of the committee. The committee may not include members of the Board of Directors. After serving, each committee member, excepting the chairperson, shall not be eligible to serve on this committee for a minimum of three (3) years.
A committee member shall present its slate to the Secretary no later than two (2) weeks prior to the Fellowship meeting preceding the Annual Business meeting. The slate shall be included with the mailing for the Annual Business meeting. A committee member shall read the slate during the meeting preceding the Annual Business meeting, at which time nominations will be entertained from the floor.
Elected Committees
The Fellowship and Ethics Committees shall be the elected committees of the Academy. Each shall consist of three (3) members, the most senior retiring and a new member being elected annually.
SECTION 1. Fellowship. Fellows selected as candidates for election to the Fellowship committee shall be former Presidents of the Academy. A former member of the Fellowship committee may be eligible for re-election only after a period of one year has elapsed following his/her term. The senior member of this committee shall act as chairperson and a member elected to serve an unexpired term shall assume the seniority of the Fellow being replaced. However, no person appointed to fill a vacancy shall be eligible for the chair. The Fellowship committee shall have sole power to determine the eligibility of a candidate for Fellowship and there shall be no appeal from its decisions.
The chairperson of the Associate Fellowship committee shall, on all occasions when the Fellowship committee is considering the elevation of Fellows from Associate to Active status, be present in an advisory capacity. This chairperson, or another member of the Associate Fellowship committee as surrogate, shall not hold voting power.
SECTION 2. Ethics. The senior member of this committee shall act as chairperson, and a member elected to serve an unexpired term shall assume the seniority of the Fellow he/she replaces. However, no committeeperson appointed to fill a vacancy shall be eligible for the chair. It shall be the duty of the Ethics Committee to inform the Board of Directors of infringements of the Code of Ethics by the Fellows of the Academy and to take such action as the Board may direct.
Standing Committees
The following regulations apply to all Standing Committees except where noted:
1. Committees shall consist of three (3) members.
2. The President shall, in the first instance, appoint a committee of three (3), one for one year, one for two years and one for three years.
3. Future appointments shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.
4. Members are appointed for terms of three (3) years. The retiring member shall be replaced annually.
5. The Board of Directors shall meet no later than thirty (30) days after the Annual Business meeting to act on the President’s recommendations.
6. The President shall appoint the chairperson of all standing committees unless otherwise stated herein.
SECTION 1. Associate Fellowship. It shall be the function of this committee to supervise the Associate Fellows and advise the chairperson of the Fellowship committee when elevation to Active Fellowship is to be considered.
SECTION 2. Budget and Finance. This committee shall consist of six (6) members; namely the Treasurer, who shall be the chairperson, the President-Elect, a past president and three (3) Active Fellows. The President shall nominate one Active Fellow to serve for three (3) years, to replace the retiring member. One member, other than the Treasurer, shall be appointed by the President to the Board of Directors.
The functions of the committee shall be to study and evaluate all matters of the Academy pertaining to finances, to assist the Treasurer to prepare the annual Academy budget and to advise the Board of Directors of profitable and secure investments of the Academy funds. Recommendations of the committee shall be presented to the Board of Directors for possible approval.
SECTION 3. Audio-Visual. It shall be the function of this committee to procure and have in operation proper equipment to insure the presentation of the anticipated program.
SECTION 4. Constitution and By-laws. This committee shall originate or consider possible changes in the By-laws and shall act at the direction of the Board.
SECTION 5. Dinner. This committee shall consist of six (6) members, two(2) retiring each year. It shall be the function of this committee to:
1. Arrange the dinner menu.
2. Welcome the Fellowship to each dinner.
3. Keep accurate records of Fellows and guests in attendance and coordinate with the Executive Secretary.
SECTION 6. House and Archives. It shall be the duty of this committee to see that all properties of the Academy are properly maintained.
SECTION 7. Senior Advisory. This committee shall consist of eight (8) members; six (6) appointed members, two (2) appointed each year following the guidelines of the rules governing Standing Committees, the Immediate Past President, and the Vice President, who will act as representative to the Board. The committee chairperson shall:
1. Evaluate the policy of the Academy and make recommendations to the
2. Submit an advisory report to the Board of Directors at the October meeting.
3. Act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors.
SECTION 8. Education. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to coordinate all educational efforts involving The New York Academy of Dentistry.
The Education committee shall consist of two (2) Academy members representing each dental school sponsoring programs with the Academy as well as three (3) members appointed under the rules governing Standing Committees.
SECTION 9. Publications. This committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed under the rules governing Standing Committees, a member of the House and Archives Committee appointed for one year, and the Editor, who shall act as its Chairperson.
This committee shall assist and advise the Editor in all matters concerning the journal.
SECTION 10. Public and Professional Relations. This committee shall consist of four (4) members, three (3) of whom are appointed under the rules governing standing committees. The fourth member shall be a member of the Publications Committee. The function of the committee shall be to organize and disseminate newsworthy information regarding the programs and achievements of the New York Academy of Dentistry.
SECTION 11 Mentorship. This committee shall identify and develop new dentists as prospective candidates for membership in the Academy.
SECTION 1. The Academy, together with such other dental organizations as shall become associated in the project, shall publish and finance a Journal, to be known as the Annals of Dentistry.
The Journal shall be under the direction and supervision of the Editor, who is elected by the Academy.
The Annals of Dentistry shall be published at least once a year.
SECTION 2. The Academy shall have sole ownership of the Annals of Dentistry and shall have the exclusive prior right for publication of any essays read before or presented to it.
SECTION 3. Every Fellow of the Academy shall, by the payment of annual dues, become a subscriber to the Annals of Dentistry. Honorary Fellows shall be included as subscribers. Non-dues paying Fellows may subscribe at posted rates.
SECTION 1. Any proposal for change in these By-laws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and, if approved by the Board, shall be presented at a regular meeting of the Academy. Such proposed amendments shall be printed on the notice of the subsequent regular meeting. At that meeting, a two-thirds favorable vote of present and voting Fellows shall be necessary for adoption.
Order of Business
The order of business at the meetings shall be:
1. Minutes of the previous meeting
2. Reports of Officers
3. Report of Board of Directors
4. Reports of Committees
5. Election of Fellows
6. New Business
7. Addresses or demonstrations
8. Adjournment
Rules of Order
Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern the proceedings of the Academy.
Code Of Ethics
SECTION 1. The Fellows of the Academy shall conduct their practices and their activities in the profession in such a manner as will uphold and further the Object for which the Academy was organized and in keeping with the Code of Ethics of the American Dental Association, and its constituent and component societies.
SECTION 2. Any uncorrected violation of this Code of Ethics, reported to the Board of Directors by the Ethics committee, will result in forfeiture of Fellowship if so moved bay the Board.
In the event of dissolution of the New York Academy of Dentistry, all surplus funds will be distributed to recognized charities.