Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at meetings of the Academy, to appoint committees and fill vacancies not
otherwise provided for, and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.
- A. Solicit, in timely fashion, an Academy Fellow to give the Invocation at the regular Fellowship meetings.
- B. Introduce the individuals seated at the dais at the regular Fellowship meetings.
- C. Convene a regular monthly Fellowship meeting in October, November, January, February, March and April
- D. Preside at the scientific portion of the meeting.
- E. Hold a Board of Directors Organizational Meeting within approximately sixty days after the meeting of his/her inauguration.During this meeting the recommendations of the Immediate Past President will be acted upon. In addition, the President shall present recommendations for appointments to all Standing and Special Committees.
- F. Chair the election of the Nominating Committee and appoint its chairperson during the Organizational Meeting.
- G. Discuss with the Board of Directors, at the Organizational Meeting, the thrust of the forthcoming year.
- H. Prior to the Organizational Meeting, the President should contact the new Associate Fellows and see who may be interested in becoming active in the Academy and serve on committees.
- I. Supply a copy of the Presidential Address and a 5 x 7 photograph to the Editor of the Annals of Dentistry within a week of the April Fellowship meeting at which it is delivered
- J. At the February Board of Directors meeting, committee chairs should be reminded that all reports are due and are to be read at the March Annual Business meeting of the Fellowship. In addition, all chairs need to submit any budgetary requirements for the following year as well as any protocol changes that may be necessary. These should be submitted to the Administrator at the March Annual Business meeting.
President Elect
Version 2.4…Revised March 2010
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the President Elect to assist the President as requested, to prepare the program and agenda for the next
Academy year and to succeed automatically to the office of President at the next Annual Meeting.
- Submit candidates for the Program Committee to the President prior to the Organizational Meeting.
- Reserve meeting rooms for the next Academy year during the first two months in office.
- Meet with the Program Committee over the summer to discuss and implement the program for the ensuing year.
- D. Verify that the Program Committee has the completed program for the ensuing year ready to submit at the November Board of Directors meeting.
- E. Advise the Budget and Finance Committee of the program budget requirements for the ensuing year.
- F. Prepare incoming presidential remarks. Submit one copy to the editor of the Annals of Dentistry along with a 5 x 7 photograph.
- G. Report the highlights of the Board of Directors meeting to the Fellowship during the business portion of the Fellowship meetings.
Vice President
Version 2.4…Revised March 2010
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties and, in the case of absence or disability of the President, or at the President’s request, to officiate in the President’s place. The Vice President shall succeed to the presidency for the unexpired term in the event a vacancy in the office occurs. In such instance, the Vice President will be considered acting President but will be eligible for nomination to elective office with the right of accession to the office of President.
- A. Act as the representative of the Senior Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors.
- B. Become familiar with the duties of the President.
- C. Send protocols to all committee chairs at the time of their appointment.
- D. Remind all committee chairs to have reports and protocol reviews presented and submitted at the March meeting.
- E. Act as parliamentarian at all Board meetings.
- F. Review all protocol changes submitted by committee chairs.
- G. In conjunction with the Executive Secretary, maintain an updated list of committee appoints of Fellows. This list should be made available to the Nominating Committee
Version 2.3…Revised March 2011
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a complete record of the activities of the Board of Directors in books provided for that purpose; to notify officers, committees and others of their election or appointment, and sign all official papers. It shall further be the duty of the Secretary to keep a list of the Fellows of the Academy and their addresses; to notify the Treasurer of additions to or changes in this list; to notify new members of their election; to notify all Fellows of the time and place of meetings, subjects of addresses or demonstrations, the names of all candidates for election and any other necessary information and to provide official ballots for elections. The Secretary shall notify all Fellows suspended or dropped for non-payment of dues and in the event of termination of fellowship under the provisions of Article VII Section 2, the Secretary shall notify the former Fellow of the action of the Academy. Duties shall also include conducting the correspondence of the Academy with retention of full copies thereof and providing a stenographer or reporter for all regular meetings, scientific meetings and other such meetings as shall be deemed desirable by the Executive Committee.
Relating to American Dental Society’s Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP)
- The Secretary of the Academy will serve as the CERP coordinator for the Academy.
- The Secretary will serve as an ex-officio non- voting member of the Program Committee. The role is to ensure that the Program Committee follows the requirements of CERP.
- The Secretary will maintain copies of the Minutes and deliberations of the Program Committee as provided by its chairperson. These records will be utilized for re-accreditation of the Academy’s CERP status.
Relating to Board of Directors Meetings:
- Take attendance of Board members and Fellows.
- Read all important mail.
- Call for a vote on requests for Life Fellowship.
- Inform the Board of all changes in the fellowship (resignations, deaths etc.)
- Bring the regular gavel and a tape recorder.
- Tape record the complete proceedings.
- Check the Minutes of each Board of Directors meeting, submitted by the Executive Secretary, with the tape recorded Minutes. Make changes, if necessary, before signing. Return to the Executive Secretary.
- Review the Agendas of the Board and Fellowship meetings one week prior to the meeting to ensure that all persons responsible for reports or presentations are advised and prepared for the meeting.
- Invite the new Associate Fellows to one of the Board meetings. Depending on the number of Associate Fellows, this should be divided between the first five Board meetings.
- Obtain information for the certificates of Appreciation for Scientific Contribution from the Executive Committee chairperson at the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors. Provide that information to the Executive Secretary who shall have the certificates printed.
- Obtain information from the President pertaining to a seminar. If one will be held have the Executive Secretary print certificates of Appreciation for Scientific Contribution.
- Prepare certificates for all elevated Fellows and have all certificates signed with indelible black ink.
- Have a certificate of Appreciation for Contribution While President made up prior to the Installation Meeting. Have a Past Presidents pin ready to be presented to the outgoing President.
- Ascertain that there are sufficient volumes of the History of the Academy. Order more if necessary.
- Have the President inscribe the History of the Academy books before presentation.
- Remind the President to select a meeting dedicated to the Past Presidents (usually October).
- Confirm membership of all Fellows in the American Dental Association annually and all candidates for Associate Fellowship at the request of the Fellowship Committee.
- Remind officers and committee chairpersons in February that they must present reports at the Annual Meeting. A formal letter informing them will be sent by the Executive Secretary. These reports are to be typed on plain paper, no letterhead and in triplicate. Copies to:i. Record book.ii. Executive secretary.iii. Editor of the Annals of Dentistry.
- Remind the Executive Secretary to bring ballots to the Annual Meeting.
- Order corsages for the Annual Meeting, if appropriate, for the spouses of the President and the President-Elect.
- Announce changes in status at regular Fellowship meetings and, when necessary, conduct Fellowship votes.
- Discuss with the President and President Elect, at the termination of the Board meeting, what items the President Elect should present at the Fellowship meeting.
- Maintain the corporate seal, the records and minutes of the Academy for the two previous years, the two gavels, the stock of Past President’s pins and the stock of History of the Academy books.
- On the demise of a Fellow:i. Inform the Necrology Committee chairperson of the deathii. Notify the family of the deceased fellow that a donation has been made in his/her name to the Endowment Fund (Past President only)iii. Inform the Board of the death and recommend a donation amount (if applicable).
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep records for the Academy in such form as to constitute current account with all members subject to fees, dues and other assessments; to receive and take charge of monies in all funds of the Academy; to make payments only when authorized by the Board of Directors or on order of the President or Vice President; to keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures and the vouchers thereof; to notify all Fellows of their indebtedness for dues, fees and other assessments and collect and receipt for same; to make a written report of official Treasurer’s affairs at the Annual Meeting, or on order of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall notify the Board of Directors of the automatic suspension or expulsion of any Fellow for non-payment of dues under the provisions of Article VIII, Section 5.
- A. Make a financial report at each Board of Directors meeting.
- B. Arrange for the annual audit.
- C. Send copies of the annual audit to the Budget and Finance Committee in time for committee reviews before its Fall meeting.
- D. Prepare to submit suggestions concerning the Academy’s funds to the Budget and Finance Committee at its fall meeting.
- E. Discuss with the President Elect the anticipated cost of his/her program. If necessary, suggest modifications at the Budget and Finance Committee’s fall meeting.
Editor-Annals of Dentistry
Version 2.5…Revised March 2009
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the Editor, using discretion and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, to prepare for publication in the Annals of Dentistry such essays and transaction of the Academy and its affiliated societies as are deemed suitable. The Editor shall be assisted in these duties by assistant editors appointed by the Board of Directors and/or the Publications Committee.
- During the course of the year, solicit other articles of relevance to the history of the Academy.
- Obtain program for the coming Academic year.
- Collect and edit all reviews, articles, and news items to prepare for publication. This is to include a copy of the President’s Address and all committee reports from the Annual Meeting of the Academy held in March of each year.
- Engage a publisher and supply all materials and information necessary for publication, including Fellowship Directory and mailing list.
- Review galley proofs and authorize final publication.
- Report monthly to Board of Directors as to progress of work.
- Serve as the Chairperson of the Publications Committee.
- Engage a photographer to photograph the presentation of the Certificate of Appreciation for Scientific Contribution to the lecturer by the president, to photograph the student presentations of their research projects and to photograph the fellowship and their guests at the April Social Meeting
- Contact the student research presenters in order to print a synopsis of their research
Immediate Past President
Version 2.2…Revised March 1990
Bylaws Charge
- A. Attend meetings of the Board of Directors and act as advisor to the President.
- B. Be a member of the Senior Advisory Committee.
- C. Be a member of the Budget and Finance Committee
Ethics Committee
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the duty of the Ethics Committee to inform the Board of Directors of infringements of the “Code of Ethics” by the Fellows of the Academy and to take such action as the Board may direct.
The committee shall consist of: Three fellows of the Academy. The senior member of the committee shall serve as its chairperson. Each new member is elected for a three year term. This is an Elected Committee.
When the committee chairperson is notified of a possible infringe-infringement of the “Code of Ethics” the following shall take place:
- The Fellow in question shall be contacted to ascertain the facts.
- If, after committee consultation, an ethical infringement is discerned, the chairperson shall contact the Board of Directors and ask for direction.
- If the Board of Directors deems corrective action is necessary , the chairperson shall contact the Fellow in question and state the Board’s concerns.
- The chairperson shall report to the Board of Directors if there has been no correction within a reasonable time.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
Fellowship Committee
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
The Fellowship Committee shall have sole power to determine the eligibility of a candidate for Fellowship and there shall be no appeal from its decisions.
The chairperson of the Associate Fellowship Committee shall, on all occasions when the Fellowship Committee is considering the elevation of Fellows from Associate to Active status, be present in an advisory capacity. This chairperson, or another member of the Associate Fellowship Committee, as surrogate, shall not hold voting power.
The committee shall consist of three former Presidents of the Academy. The senior member of the Committee shall serve as the chairperson. Each new member is elected for a three year term. This is an Elected Committee.
- A. Upon receipt of a completed application for Fellowship, the committee chair should notify the nominee’s proposer that the application has been received and is either in order or needs additional information.
- The chair should announce, at the October and November Fellowship meetings, that completed applications must be in hand by 15 November. Mention should be made that only nominees with supporting letters from Active or Life Fellows will be considered.
- The committee chair should contact the chair of the Associate Fellowship Committee in early October to ascertain that all Associate Fellow updated curriculum vitae will be sent to him/her by 15 November.
- The committee meets for deliberations as soon as practical after the November application deadline and coordinates its activities with the chair of the Associate Fellowship Committee.
- The committee should liberally interpret ARTICLE IV Section 2 of the bylaws when reviewing applications for Associate Fellowship from individuals graduated within the preceding ten years.
- The committee should scrutinize applications for Active Fellowship, or elevation from Associate to Active Fellowship. Individuals accepted into Active Fellowship should personify the Academy in accordance with its “purposes” as stated in the Certificate of Incorporation.
- The names of those approved for Associate Fellowship, for elevation to Active Fellowship or for direct acceptance to Fellowship are sent to the Secretary in time to be published in the January meeting notice.
- Following a vote of acceptance from the Fellowship, the chair forwards to the Executive Secretary all documents pertaining to each new Associate and/or Active Fellow.
- The sponsor and seconder of a new Associate Fellow should assume the role of mentors and be responsible for overseeing the development of the new Fellow in all regards throughout the three years as an Associate Fellow. The sponsor and seconder should be informed of this in writing.
- All requirements for elevation to Active Fellow should be spelled out in the welcome letter to the Associate. The letter should include, but not be limited to, participation in committee work, attendance requirements and other areas of professional development.
- It is the responsibility of the mentors to see that the Associate Fellow has fulfilled all requirements for elevation. They will be required to update the Fellowship Committee from time to time.
- The ceremony of elevation of Associate Fellows should be dignified, with details to be the responsibility of the Fellowship Committee.
- All new Associate Fellows should be given a comprehensive packet of information about the NYAD. The packet should contain the NYAD brochure, the ADA Code of Ethics, copy of the Bylaws of the Academy and the History of the Academy.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing, prior to the October meeting.
Executive Committee
Version 2.4…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
Provide a suitable place and program for the regular fellowship meetings and act as a personal advisory and assisting body to the President.
The committee shall consist of three Fellows. These members have served on the prior years Program Committee and will now implement the current years program. Each member of the committee serves as a member of the Board of Directors. The President will appoint the chairperson.
This is a Special Committee.
The committee follows through with the speaker arrangements the Program Committee formulated during the previous year:
- A. The Chairperson obtains from each speaker the following:
- Curriculum vitae.
- Title and brief synopsis of the presentation.
- Audio visual requirements and any other special needs. This information is forwarded to the chairperson of the Audio Visual Committee.
- The chairperson, during the summer, should coordinate with the Executive Secretary regarding announcements, arrangements and other considerations.
- The chairperson, during the summer, should provide the Executive Secretary with speaker names, academic titles, and dates of presentation, so that proper Certificates of Appreciation for Scientific Contribution and notices may be prepared.
- Speakers should be contacted 2 – 3 weeks before the meeting. If appropriate, check on travel arrangements and hotel accommodations. Arrange in advance whether Academy or speaker pays for these items and include this in the budget.
- Remind speakers that black tie is preferred and their formal dress is requested.
- Arrange for the Treasurer to have the honorarium for each speaker at the time of presentation. The honorarium is given by the President.
- Arrange, at least one week before the meeting, with the Audio Visual Committee chairperson to have the required equipment present and in good working order.
- Inform the Audio Visual Committee chairperson of any special requirements well in advance of the meeting.
- Arrange for an Academy Fellow, who will be present at the meeting ,to be an alternate speaker.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing, prior to the October meeting.
Necrology Committee
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
Draw up and report to the Fellowship appropriate resolutions for deceased members of the Academy.
The committee shall consist of three Fellows appointed by the President. The chairperson will be appointed by the
This is a Special Committee.
- A. Act in close liaison with the Secretary and the Executive Secretary of the Academy to note the death of any Fellow.
- B. Prepare a statement to be announced to the Fellowship at the next appropriate fellowship meeting.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
Program Committee
Version 3.0…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
Formulate the program for the ensuing year. The committee is to advise and assist the President Elect in all requested matters.
Mission Statement
To improve the health and well-being of the public through the dissemination of dental education and knowledge. To elevate the art and science of dentistry through membership participation in academic programs arranged by the committee.
The committee shall consist of seven members:
Vice Chairperson:
Appointed by the President within 30 days of the election, on recommendation of the Vice President. The vice chairperson shall become knowledgeable in the ways of the Program Committee and shall familiarize him/herself with the CERP requirements. This person will serve on the committee for four years.
The vice chairperson will become chairperson of the Program Committee at time the Vice President who recommended him/her assumes the office of President Elect. The chairperson will prepare the budget and arrange for the speakers the following year in conjunction with the committee and the President Elect.
Two 1-Year Appointees:
Appointed by the President, on recommendation of the President Elect, to serve a one-year term on the Program Committee. Together with the chair, these two appointees will serve in the following year on the Executive Committee and as members of the Board of Directors.
The previous chairperson of the Program Committee and also is the chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Senior Advisor:
The previous advisor. Together with the advisor, the senior advisor shall offer guidance to the newer appointees.
Secretary of the Academy:
The Secretary of the Academy will serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Program Committee. The role is to serve as a CERP coordinator to ensure that all CERP guidelines are followed and that the proper documentation is obtained.
This is a Special Committee.
CERP Requirements:
In order to satisfy the requirements for the Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) of the American Dental Association, it is imperative that the Program Committee and its chairperson follow these protocols:
- A. The advisor must provide the Program Chairperson in writing a review of their deliberations and suggestions for future speakers and programs.
- B. The Program Chairperson needs to maintain a written record of the committee deliberations (minutes) and correspondence. A copy of this needs to be provided to the Vice-Chairperson and a copy filed with the Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Academy.
- C. The Program Committee should annually review the mission and goals of the committee to ensure that the programs are satisfying the needs of the Academy and the public.
- D. The Program Chairperson must receive, in writing, from each presenter, a minimum of 2 months prior to their presentation,the following:a. Topicb. Abstract/Synopsisc. Explicit written educational objectives identifying the expected learner outcome
d. A signed conflict of interest statementThe above information is to be used to create the mailing to the Fellows one month prior to the presentation. The mailing to Fellows is to include the above and a refund policy, cancellation policy and the amount of continuing education (CE) credit with CERP logo.
- E. The Program Committee must review annually ( best done at their initial meeting):1. Mission Statement of committee as it relates to the profession. Document this review.2. The needs assessments and methods of determining them: eg, surveys, advisory committee input, public health statistics. Document this and provide to Secretary.3. The educational objectives and learning outcome for speakers. Must be documented and included in mailings. Consider its inclusion on our website.
4. The methods of evaluation and fulfillment of objectives. Document that this information is relayed to the following years chairperson.
5. The Commercial Support and Conflict of Interest statements. Ensure that they are obtained from each scientific speaker.
- A. The committee consults with the President Elect, develops topics and selects speakers. The program should be in place by the January prior to the first meeting. Information should be obtained from the Budget and Finance Committee regarding monies available for honoraria, prior to contacting the speakers. An Academy Fellow receives no honorarium. Flexibility with speakers fees is important. However, these fees are definitely negotiable. An honorarium for a non-Academy Fellow should range from $500-$2000. Special consideration can be given to the April speaker.
- B. Speakers, on initial contact, should be informed of the length of time allocated for their presentation.
- C. Speakers, after confirmation, should be informed that, although the dais is black tie, their dress is optional. However, emphasize that black tie, to be in concert with other dais participants, is preferred.
- D. Academy Fellows should be solicited as back-up speakers.
- E. A program should be included each year that is “interprofessional” in its content.
- F. Selection of a speaker for the ‘Installation Dinner Meeting’ should be made only after close consultation with the President Elect. The speaker should appeal to both Fellows and guests.
- G. An effort should be made to recruit one or two speakers yearly from the greater metropolitan area to reduce travel costs and winter travel worries.
- H. Consideration should be given to recruiting one speaker from the Fellowship of the Academy each year.
- I. Out of town speakers are presently housed at the Union League Club. Consideration of speaker should be given in the selection of the accommodations.
- J. Traditionally, one nights’ accommodation has been offered to the speaker. However, consideration may be given to extend the stay if a significantly reduced airfare can be acquired to offset the added costs of the hotel accommodations. This should be considered carefully before offering it to a prospective out of town speaker.
- K. The principal concern of the Program Committee is to obtain the best speakers it can afford. The content of the program defines the reputation of the Academy. Membership retention and participation relies on the quality of the program.
- L. The budget for the Program Committee is currently set at $20,000. This figure requires yearly review while remaining sensitive to all other Academy obligations.
- M. The chairperson of the Program Committee should ensure that written confirmations are received by the speakers in a timely fashion. These letters should include a brief overview of the Academy, so the speaker is aware of the audience, and a reference to the preference for black tie for those who are seated on the dais. Transportation plans should be made well in advance to avoid any possible increased charges.
- N. The chairperson of the Program Committee should ensure that each speaker receives a letter of gratitude from the Academy from either himself or the President after the presentation.
Nominating Committee
Version 2.4…Revised .June 2005
Bylaws Charge
Nominate candidates for the elective offices of the Academy for the ensuing year.
A committee member shall present its slate to the Secretary no later than two weeks prior to the Fellowship meeting preceding the Annual Meeting. The slate shall be included with the mailing for the Annual Meeting. A committee member shall read the slate during the Fellowship meeting preceding the Annual Meeting at which time nominations will be entertained from the floor.
This committee shall consist of five Fellows eligible to vote. One of these is the Immediate Past Cairperson of the committee. The committee may not include members of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint the chairperson.
This is a Special Committee.
- A. This committee should hold a primary meeting in early fall to evaluate candidates for the Officers of the Academy and for a member of the Ethics Committee and the Fellowship Committee. It is customary to consider proposing the Immediate Past President, the year after he/she has served in that capacity, to be nominated to the Fellowship Committee. The Chair will ascertain if the candidates being considered for nomination are willing to serve.
- B. Recommendations from the Fellowship should be solicited at the October and November Fellowship meetings.
- C. The committee should hold a final meeting in mid – January, at which time its slate will be chosen. The advisor to the committee (the previous year’s Nominating Committee Chairperson), should try to convey the essence of the discussion regarding candidates considered when he/she was chairperson.
- D. The slate must be in the Executive Secretary’s hands at least two weeks prior to the Fellowship meeting preceding the Annual Meeting.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
Associate Fellowship Committee
Version 2.2…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
Supervise the Associate Fellows and advise the chairperson of the Fellowship Committee when elevation to active Fellowship is to be considered.
The committee shall consist of three Fellows. The members of the committee are appointed for three year terms. The President will appoint the chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
- A. Ascertain that curriculum vitae update forms have been sent to all eligible Associate Fellows by 1 September by the Academy Executive Secretary. Include a note that they must be returned to the committee chairperson by 1 November if they are to be acted upon during the present Academy year.
- B. Meet promptly after 1 November and review all updated curriculum vitae forms from eligible Associate Fellows. The names of those approved for possible Active Fellowship are forwarded to the chairperson of the Fellowship Committee NO LATER THAN 15 NOVEMBER.
- C. The chairperson shall attend, as an observer, all meetings of the Fellowship Committee where Associate Fellows are being reviewed.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
Budget and Finance Committee
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge:
Study and evaluate all matters of the Academy pertaining to finances, assist the Treasurer in preparing the annual Academy budget and advise the Board of Directors of profitable and secure investments of the Academy funds. Recommendations of the committee shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
This committee shall consist of six members, including the President Elect, a Past President and the Treasurer who will serve as the chairperson. Other members will be three Active Fellows of the Academy. The President will appoint one member of the committee (other than the Treasurer) to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Academy.
This is a Standing Committee.
The committee should meet in the early fall to review and make suggestions on Academy finances. A committee report should be submitted at the November meeting.
- A] The President Elect is given a budgetary range which helps determine honoraria, etc.
- B] The Treasurer, after review of the Academy funds, may suggest transfer of monies between Funds to the committee.
- C] The dues structure is evaluated.
- D] The dinner costs are evaluated.
- E] The annual audit is evaluated.
Commencing 2001, the committee must review every three (3) years, the Program Committee budget to ensure that monies to cover honorariums, speaker expenses, and any special audio visual expenses (not capital expenditures) required by speakers are covered.
Version 2.3…Revised June 2009
Bylaws Charge
Procure and have in operation proper equipment to insure the presentation of the anticipated program.
The committee shall consist of three Fellows. The members of the committee are appointed for three year terms. The President will appoint the Chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
The Chairperson should:
- A. Maintain inventory of all audio-visual equipment. This inventory list should be kept by the committee and checked for accuracy before each meeting. The inventory list is kept by Doug McAndrew. The inventory is either at the club (screen, microphone, etc.) or with Doug McAndrew (computer, etc.).
- B. The Executive Secretary will inform Doug McAndrew of the speaker’s contact information and requested AV – to be confirmed by Doug McAndrew.
- C. Arrange that the staff at the meeting location has the projectors and microphone set up at least one hour prior to the meeting. The smooth functioning of this committee is tantamount to a successful Academy year. Confirm, immediately prior to the meeting, that all equipment is functioning properly. (Doug McAndrew will handle this)
- D. Arrange for a committee member to help control the room lights.
- E. Arrange for a committee member to assist Doug McAndrew by handling one of the microphones during the guest introduction section of the meeting.
- F. When necessary, and before purchase, submit to the Board of Directors an estimate of projected costs for new equipment
- G. Call the Union League on the Monday or Tuesday before the meeting to inform them of the needed AV equipment for that meeting. They arrange for all of the equipment to be brought to the meeting room and set up. In addition, they should be reminded to pay personal attention to our needs. (This will be handled by Doug McAndrew)
- H. Communicate directly with Mr. Douglas McAndrew (or other A/V expert hired by the Academy) at each monthly meeting in order to ensure that all of the speaker’s requirements have been met and that the presentation will go as planned.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
Audio Visual Equipment Inventory
The committee chairman should insure that the following equipment is available and in good working order:
Two Da-Lite picture king screens
One Creatron Remote Control Unit
Two Project-O-Stands (Welt Safe Lock, Inc.)
One Creatron “two projector splitter”
One Ednalite Projection pointer
Three Kodak carousel slide projectors with remotes and cases
One Lavalier microphone (Shure) 570S
Two Zoom lenses
Three Kodak carousels
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
Originate or consider possible changes in the bylaws and act at the direction of the Board of Directors.
The committee shall consist of three Fellows. The members are appointed for three year terms. The President will appoint the chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
- A. The chairperson should call a committee meeting at the beginning of the new administration to review and suggest bylaws changes. During the first meeting of the Board of Directors, the chairperson should recommend any changes the committee has deemed appropriate.
- B. The committee will review and word all changes directed to it by the Board of Directors. The chairperson will present, at the next Board meeting, the resolutions as worded by the committee. After final approval by the Board, the committee chairperson will read and present, in writing, the proposed changes to the fellowship according to Article XX of the bylaws.
- C. Voting on proposed bylaws changes, except those necessitated by emergency situations, should be limited to the Annual Meeting.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing, prior to the October meeting.
Dinner Committee
Version 2.3…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
- Arrange the dinner menu.
- Welcome the fellowship to each dinner.
- Keep accurate records of Fellows and guests in attendance and coordinate this information with the Executive Secretary.
The committee shall consist of six Fellows, with two retiring each year. The President shall appoint the chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
- A. Confirm all dinner dates and room reservations for the present year.
- B. Work with the President Elect in planning the meeting dates for the ensuing year. Be aware of potential religious or federal holiday conflicts.
- C. Reserve dinner dates and rooms for the following year. This must be in written form to the meeting place management.
- D. Request a reception table, large enough to be attended by three committee members, to be conveniently placed at each meeting.
- E. Have dinner tickets, cocktail chits and money at the reception table.
- F. Collect cocktail and beverage monies.
- G. Count the members and guests at the dinner to confirm the correct number of dinners served.
- I. Ascertain if the monies collected are sufficient to cover cost. Cocktail and beverage monies should be monitored separately and should be kept on a “pay as you go” basis. Request fellowship price increases from the Board of Directors if deemed necessary.
- J. Board members should be reminded that they are to help to quell the noise during the business portion of the meeting.
- K. One of the co-chairs should attend the Board meetings and report to the Board the number of guests expected for that meeting and/or any issues relating to the Dinner Committee.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
House and Archives
Version 2.4..Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
See that all properties of the Academy are properly maintained.
The committee shall consist of three Fellows. The members of the committee are appointed for three year terms. The President shall appoint the chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
- A. Assist the Editor of the Annals of Dentistry in compiling the documents concerned with all committee reports as follows:
- 1. Contact all committee chairs at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting of the Academyand request a committee report, written in triplicate, and re-contact all chairs who have not complied atleast two weeks prior to said Annual Meeting.
- 2. Gather and compile all committee reports and see that they are passed on to the Editor for publication in the Annals of Dentistry.
- B. Gather and collate an annual record of the proceedings of the Academy suitable for binding and placement in the Archives of the Academy. This record should include copies of the Minutes of the Board of Directors and Fellowship meetings, correspondence to the membership, financial reports and recommendations of the Treasurer, as well as any other correspondence pertinent to the Academy.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing, prior to the October meeting.
Senior Advisory Committee
Version 2.2…Revised June 2005
Bylaws Charge
- Evaluate the policy of the Academy and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- Submit an advisory report to the Board of Directors at the October meeting.
- Act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors.
The committee shall consist of eight Fellows. Six are appointed members with two new members being appointed each year for a three year term while two retire from the committee. The Immediate Past President and the Vice President will also serve on the committee. The President will appoint the chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
- A. The chairperson shall, at least one month prior to the October Board meeting, call a committee meeting to review present Academy policy and suggest new policy if warranted. The chairperson shall present the committee recommendations to the Board at the October meeting and request they be approved as policy.
- B. A yearly report of all committee actions is to be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing,
prior to the October meeting.
Version 2.0…Revised March 2010
Bylaws Charge
It shall be the responsibility of this committee to coordinate all educational efforts involving the New York Academy of Dentistry.
The committee shall consist of one Academy Fellow representing each dental school sponsoring programs with the Academy (Columbia, NYU, Stonybrook) as well as three additional Fellows. The President shall appoint the chairperson, who shall remain in that position for two years.
This is a Standing Committee.
The committee was formed in response to the Academy’s involvement in ethics courses at local dental schools. It is intended that this committee handle activities of the Academy that relate to the education of dental students, dentists or the public.
Currently, the focus of the committee has been on the ethics programs at the three local dental schools: Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York University College of Dentistry and Stony Brook University College of Dental Medicine. The Academy also sponsors a full day ethics course for dentists. This course has been held at the New York County Dental Society and the Greater New York Dental Meeting, although it has not been presented in the last few years. In addition, training workshops for ethics facilitators are offered as needed. Generally a course if offered for the NYU program annually and training programs have been combined with the annual Ethics Committee Meeting. The New York Section of the American College of Dentists traditionally has sponsored the training program.
The committee should meet at least once a year and review the involvement of the Academy and its Fellows in these programs. Consideration should be given to the following:
- A. Are an adequate number of Academy fellows participating in the programs to keep the program viable?
- B. Are fellows returning year to year and/or is there a new infusion of Fellows that are sustaining the programs?
- C. Have new associate fellows received a letter of invitation to join in the programs? This should be mailed with their acceptance letter in March of each year. In addition, the Active members should personally invite them to be involved. The nominators of the new Associate Fellows are their mentors and should be encouraging them to participate.
- D. Is there an adequate number of textbooks available for the facilitators and for the students? (Students at NYU are required to purchase books). Stonybrook received funds to procure some books for facilitators to receive their ethics program. We have been loaning the books to students at Columbia (first editions of Ethics at Chairside, Rule and Vetch). New books will be needed very soon, most likely by August 2010. We should anticipate acquiring the second edition for facilitators and Columbia students.
- E. For the February meeting (currently): Have certificates been prepared for those fellows who have participated for three years in the ethics program at Columbia, NYU and Stonybrook? (Stony Brook has reinstituted their course in 2010). These are to be presented at the February meeting and the information needs to be ready by the January meeting to be given to the Executive Secretary.
- F. In order to facilitate the duties of the committee for the following year, the chair must submit a budget with the annual report in March. Presently a budget of $1200 is requested. This is required to sponsor training programs and for printing. From time to time, textbooks will be needed to be purchased, with the approval of the Board. These funds should be drawn from the Endowment Fund, as this fund was set up to further the educational and research goals of the Academy.
- G. The committee has been charged to oversee the New York Academy of Dentistry Professional Conduct and Ethics Award presented at Columbia NYU, Stonybrook and UMDNJ graduations along with a prize of one or several books to be purchased for about $150 or less. The committee selects the award, the schools select the recipients and the schools are to notify the Executive Secretary, who will get the awards to the schools.
- H. The committee was charged to coordinate the NYAD Student Research Award. A $4,000 grant is given and the student is to submit a paper on the research and present a poster or table clinic at the February meeting of the Endowment Fund. Two members of the committee should be appointed to help the Executive Secretary with arrangements for the presentations. The schools select the recipients and the schools request applications from the secretary and notify her of the selection.
The protocol should be reviewed annually and updated if necessary.
Publications Committee
Version 3.0….Revised June 2005
By-Law Charge:
This committee shall assist and advise the Editor in all matters concerning the Annals of Dentistry.
This committee shall consist of five Fellows: the Editor, who shall act as a chairperson, a member of the House and Archives Committee (appointed to a one year term) and three Fellows of the Academy.
This is a Standing Committee.
Public and Professional Relations Committee
Version 1.1…Formulated June 2005
Bylaws Charge
The function of the committee shall be to organize and disseminate newsworthy information regarding the programs and achievements of the New York Academy of Dentistry.
This committee shall consist of four Fellows: a member of the Publications Committee and three Fellows of the Academy (each appointed to a three year term). The President shall appoint the chairperson.
This is a Standing Committee.
The primary charge is Academy publicity. This is accomplished by the reporting of the news and events surrounding the academy and its fellows (installation of officers at the April meeting of the Fellowship, the guest speaker at the April meeting of the Fellowship (a social meeting), and the Dental Ethics program, etc.). Press releases (sent on Academy press forms), along with appropriate photographs of the officers are forwarded to select list of professional journals and newsletters.
Press releases should be sent to:
- Journal of the American Dental Association
- Journal of the American College of Dentistry
- Journal of the Dental Society of the State of New York
- Journal of the New York County Dental Society
- Journal of the 9th District Dental Society
- Journal of the Nassau Dental Society
- Journal of the Suffolk Dental Society
- Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association
- Journal of the Connecticut Dental Society
A second charge is to coordinate all of the necessary photographic needs at the October, March and April meetings, and pertinent photographic coverage of the Dental Ethics program and the annual golf/tennis outing. The photographs are to be given to the Publication Committee for the Annals of Dentistry and to become part of the Academy archives.
A third charge is to continue the development, distribution and review of all information describing the Academy’s goals and its service to the professional community.
Annual Time Line
OCTOBER MEETING: Report to the Board the photographic costs of the previous year. Suggest any changes to the protocol. Obtain photographs of the new Fellows who are inducted at a small meeting held prior to the October Fellowship meeting.
NOVEMBER – MARCH: Report as needed
APRIL MEETING: Obtain photographs of all of the following: new officers being installed, previous years officers pictures taken at the Board meeting, Fellows that are elevated to Active Fellowship, outgoing President given certificate, and the April social meeting guest speaker (non-dentist).
MAY: Write and print the press releases and the appropriate cover letters on Academy stationery to the listed publications. Plan to have the photographer return two complete sets of photographs to the chair of the committee. Include the appropriate photographs with the press releases.
JUNE: Confirm with Doug McAndrew that he will be available for all photographic needs in the following year. Review any changes in the time line that would affect photographic needs in the up-coming year.
Contact List
The New York County Dental Society
6 East 43rd Street
New York, NY 10017
Att: Ms. Ellen Gerber
Tel: 212-573-8500
The 9th District Dental Society
364 Elwood Avenue
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Att: Ms. Alice Flandgen
Tel: 914-747-1199
Nassau Dental Society
377 Oak Street
Garden City, NY 11530
Att: Dr. Steve Kerpen, Publisher
Tel: 516-227-1112
Suffolk Dental Society
1727 Veterans Memorial Highway
Islander, NY 11749
Att: Ms. Jane Meslin, Executive Director
Tel: 631-232-1400
Journal of the American Dental Association
211 East Chicago Avenue 20th Floor
Chicago, IL
Att: Ms. Tudy Takush
Tel: 312-440-2785
New York State Dental Journal
Dental Society of the State of New York
121 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
Att: Ms. Maruy Stoll
Tel: 518-465-0044
New Jersey Dental Association
PO Box 6020
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Att: Ms. Marie Beyer
Tel: 732-821-9400
Connecticut Dental Society
62 Russ Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Att: Ms. Christine Graishen
Tel: 806-278-5550
First District Dental Society
6 East 43rd Street 11th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Att: Mr. Mitchell Kuhn, Executive Director
Tel: 212-573-8500
Releases should be received ten weeks prior to publishing.
Liaison to Local Dental Schools Committee
Version 2.2…Revised March 1998
Bylaws Charge
This is an Ad Hoc Committee.
To simulate thought at the university level and make schools and students aware of the Academy. To provide an opportunity for selected dental students from the four local dental schools (Columbia, UMDNJ, New York University, and Stony Brook) to:
- A. Become aware of the New York Academy of Dentistry, an honorary body of area practitioners.
- B. Observe the operation of a professional dental organization.
- C. Meet and talk with senior members of the dental profession.
- D. Attend a scientific lecture presented by a leading clinician and/or researcher.
- E. Expand their impression of dentistry beyond that of the dental school environment.
Committee should present a budget, if monies are needed, to the Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson, in writing, prior to the October meeting.
Alternate Year Weekend Seminar
Version 1….March 2003
Establish a bi-annual seminar, three to four days in duration, to be held at a resort location within reasonable driving distance from the Greater New York area.
This is an Ad Hoc Committee
The Chair should:
Year 1 (year preceding seminar year)
- A. Evaluate the success of the previous seminar(s) and determine whether this remains a viable endeavor.
- B. Distribute surveys, as necessary, in order to ascertain the current level of interest, as well as encourage feedback which may enhance the program or suggest possible venues.
- C. Establish contact with group sales representatives of the prospective resorts to determine availability, amenities and pricing.
- D. Meet with committee members to discuss the suitable venues and prospective dates. When a specific resort and dates have been agreed upon, the recommendation should then be presented to the Board of Directors for final approval.
- E. Upon approval, the committee should arrange for applications and brochures to be distributed to the membership.
- F. Discuss with the Program Chairperson, potential topics and speakers for the academic portion of the program. If possible, the finalized program should be in place a full year prior to the outing.
- G. Have preliminary discussions with resort representatives relating to the projected requirements such as lecture rooms, organized dinners, recreational outings, etc.
Year 2 (seminar year)
- A. Assess whether a sufficient number of members have signed up. If not, discuss the possibility of cancellationwith the Board of Directors.
- B. Finalize arrangements with the resort for lecture rooms, dining halls and recreational outings, based on the number of people signed up.
- C. Discuss audio-visual requirements with the various lecturers, and make necessary arrangements.
Note: This agenda seems appropriate for a spring outing. If a future outing was scheduled in the fall, the timetable should be modified accordingly.